The 63 lensed camera know as “the Fly”, made for the Poly-optic series.
This body of work was initially made to map the movement of the sun in a similar methodology as Muybridge’s Locomotion series, and to add to the conversation of what a camera can be. By controlling exposure through aperture and taking lens caps on and off, this multiple lensed camera can make selective exposures to the paper negative, mapping out the sun’s path in the sky.
After making the first few pieces, it occurred to me that the visual chaos of up to 63 images circles (in the 20”x24” format) was something I needed to investigate. By manipulating each individual aperture, or using techniques similar to the Heliograph series, patterns are created and the eye has to negotiate many images at once, while each singular image falls away.
The 63 lensed camera know as “the Fly”, made for the Poly-optic series.